
Posts Tagged ‘fear’

As I was making pumpkin pies with my daughter today I was telling her how important it is to mix the ingredients in the order that the recipe states. If you mix the milk in before the spices then it’s impossible to truly blend the spices into the mixture. The pies end up looking a little odd as the spices collect on the top of the pie, looking rather spotted.

You might wonder how I know about this great mystery of life. Well, I did it one year I added the milk to the pumpkin before the eggs and spices and I ended up with spotted pies. My mom wasn’t too happy about it because she was hosting dinner and they did look a bit odd. However, I noticed that they were all finished off in short order when dessert was served. I also realized that no one else noticed or cared.

We all experience ‘pumpkin pie moments’ in our holidays. Things don’t go as planned, the milk gets spilled, the kids like the boxes better than the gifts,  and we get all stressed out about it when, in reality, it usually doesn’t make any difference at all. Staying focused on our priorities, the real reason we are gathered together, the real reason for the celebration, can allow us to relax and enjoy ourselves so much more.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your “pumpkin pie moments”.

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Well, I did it. This weekend I sent out 3 Christmas cards. No, it’s not because I’m being efficient and getting cards done early. I sent the cards with an additional note letting some of my relatives know we won’t be at the big family Christmas party this year.

You’ve heard me talk about making choices and about communication, well, this is how those things play out and what it feels like as they do.

We’ve made some changes in our life this year and they’ve made our life extremely busy during November and December. That means we had some choices to make in regards to our holidays and one of the choices we made means we have to skip the annual extended family Christmas party.

It wasn’t easy, and telling people is even harder. We’ve had conversations with a few family members and now I mailed the cards with the notes. It didn’t feel good to tell people we wouldn’t see them in December but putting those cards in the mail felt great in that it lifted a weight off my shoulders. Knowing that I had to let all these people know about our plans was weighing on me and it felt great to lift that weight.

Not everything we have to do to create Heart Filled Holidays feels good. Sometimes we have to do something uncomfortable or have a difficult conversation. But when those moments arise it helps to get them over with quickly. If they are weighing on you or making you uncomfortable then the only way to move past those feelings is to get it over with. After that you can move forward and focus on the good thing and the fun, and start enjoying your holidays.

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When you think about Christmas, or any holiday for that matter, do you just duck your head in the sand and hope it will just pass you by? Many people do this, thinking they will wait until they can’t avoid it any longer and then they just drag themselves through the preparations and the celebrations, hoping they can survive until the bitter end.

The sad thing about this scenario is that the Christmas ostrich creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. They fret and complain and tell people how hard the holidays will be. They stress and panic while avoiding all holiday conversations,  preparations and events. And it is that mindset and that avoidance which will ensure they have a miserable holiday.

You don’t have to start shopping for presents in January. You don’t have to pop your holiday cards in the mail on the day after Thanksgiving. And you don’t have to attend every party and celebration that someone can dream up. But if you are willing to take your head out of the sand and take a look around you’ll see that there are ways you can enjoy your holiday, on your own terms and in your own way; without frustration stress and overwhelm.

It starts simply by just deciding how you would like to celebrate. Then talk to a few key people. And then allow yourself the chance to enjoy getting ready for the season. Set aside some time to do the things you really enjoy and that really mean something to you. Then relax and just enjoy the season.

To get more ideas and more information grab the free holiday help at http://heartfilledholidays.com

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How do you feel when someone is looking over your shoulder? It can be great when you are sharing something. It can be annoying when you feel like they’re crowding you. And it can be the perfect thing to keep you on track to make whatever changes you want to make.

Changing things in our lives or in our holidays can be difficult. We might be nervous. We might be unsure of ourselves; or we may just be procrastinating. Whatever the reason, it’s usually easier to keep doing what we’ve always done than it is to blaze a new trail.

That’s where your friends come in.

When you have something new to do, bringing a friend along can bring more enjoyment, support, or the accountability you might need to make some changes. So if you find yourself stalled out, unsure, or procrastinating in an area you want to change, I encourage you to invite someone to look over your shoulder. Whether it be a friend, family member, co-worker or coach, having someone looking over your shoulder can provide the extra support or motivation you need to do the things you want to do.

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