
Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

As I was making pumpkin pies with my daughter today I was telling her how important it is to mix the ingredients in the order that the recipe states. If you mix the milk in before the spices then it’s impossible to truly blend the spices into the mixture. The pies end up looking a little odd as the spices collect on the top of the pie, looking rather spotted.

You might wonder how I know about this great mystery of life. Well, I did it one year I added the milk to the pumpkin before the eggs and spices and I ended up with spotted pies. My mom wasn’t too happy about it because she was hosting dinner and they did look a bit odd. However, I noticed that they were all finished off in short order when dessert was served. I also realized that no one else noticed or cared.

We all experience ‘pumpkin pie moments’ in our holidays. Things don’t go as planned, the milk gets spilled, the kids like the boxes better than the gifts,  and we get all stressed out about it when, in reality, it usually doesn’t make any difference at all. Staying focused on our priorities, the real reason we are gathered together, the real reason for the celebration, can allow us to relax and enjoy ourselves so much more.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your “pumpkin pie moments”.

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