
Posts Tagged ‘handmade Christmas cards’

handmade card - gift of loveI’ve heard people say they would like to give handmade Christmas cards but they just don’t have time. I’ve thought about doing this myself but have stopped because it just feels so overwhelming to make a huge stack of cards. Well, this year I thought I’d do something new and just make one or two cards for special friends. Like you, I have special people in my life who I don’t see as often as I’d like and who I don’t usually see during the holidays. We don’t exchange gifts and when I send them a card I feel like I’m missing something.

So this year I’m thinking about creating homemade Christmas cards for them. I enjoy playing with paper-crafting; I’m not all that talented but I still enjoy messing around with it and I have lots of great Christmas paper and embellishments. It would be a fun way for me to relax for a while on the week-end and I would be making a little gift for someone I care about. They’ll know I was thinking about them and that I put some of “me” into the card. Perhaps they’ll feel a little more loved when they open it and that, after all, is the point of giving a card.

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